1.      Redistribution of Single Farm Payment to non-food producing Upland area, 50 % of Wales is producing 5 % of food.

2.      There is a  positive side of organic dairying that has a large export potential if supported in the right way. Rachels brand is successful across the world and both OMSCO and Caws Cenarth have started exporting branded products to the USA. Calon Wen are trying hard to brand products but are particularly frustrated with the lack of processing facility, they are sending milk to Lancashire for processing.
There would appear to be a gap in the market between smaller farm processing their own supply and medium sized volume.
Finally we cannot afford to see a further 'drifting away' from Organics as we will lose critical volume and this will have associated problems

3.      Targeted Glastir mapping to areas that have been scoped by wildlife and environmental projects thus not allowing any existing habitats or new environmental projects to be used as evidence for Glastir Advanced.  Farmers are not able to follow the mapping system accurately

4.      Tunnelling on Single Farm Payment should be extended for at least 7 -10 years thus minimising the redistribution for as possible

5.      HCC needs to release organic levy to draw down 80% of funding from EU for specific Organic marketing fund with the help from Welsh Government.

6.      Farmers should have a much greater say on how RDP budgets are spent. NGO winning the lion share in the Nature Fund whilst farmer groups were marginalised

7.      Payment for Eco services needs to limit the costs of project Officers and Ecologists to allow greater funds for infrastructure and only 10% administration as is recognised in any charitable organisation.

8.      To support and promote the consumption of quality Welsh organic food. E.g. by adoption of Catering Mark standards within work and educational establishments within the Principality

9.      RDP infrastructure grants needs to prioritise fertility, liming and reseeding, stock handling systems and electronic weighing – rather than new machinery and sheds. Personal Development training should be encouraged.

10.  Diversification and tourism are becoming increasingly important for sustaining the family farm

11.  Work with IBERS to allow upscaling of new innovation. i e red clover high sugar grass producing a kg of lamb 20% more efficiently thus reducing the carbon footprint, and should be marketed as carbon friendly lamb. Sure root project where they have down trials on Fescue grasses provided up to 50 % less rain run off thus minimising the flooding impact on major rivers in high rain fall areas, we should be encouraged to create buffer zones at the bottoms of fields when reseeding.  This will be significantly cheaper than  concrete wall defences on the lower reaches

12.   Farmers are being encouraged to cut down trees if they are more than 100 / acer to qualify for SFP other EU countries have challenged this ruling Wales.